www.snoman.mb.ca (Snowmobilers of Manitoba)
www.sasksnowmobiling.sk.ca (Saskatchewan Snowmobile Association)
www.ofsc.on.ca (Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs)
www.ccso-ccom.ca (Canadian Council of Snowmobile Organizations)
www.snoriders.com (Red River Snow Riders, North Dakota)
www.ascoa.org (Antique Snowmobile Association of America)
www.ishof.com (International Snowmobile Hall of Fame)
www.mnsnowmobiler.org (Minnesota United Snowmobile Association)
www.snowmobilend.org (Snowmobilers of North Dakota)
www.snowmobile.org (International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association)
www.m-s-a.org (Montana Snowmobile association)
www.westyellowstonenet.com/snowmobiling (West Yellow Stone, Montana)
www.snoriderswest.com (Snoriders west Magazine)
Voyageur Trail Grooming Assoc.
Prairie Mountain Snow Drifters